So what’s this got to do with your sexy new body?

So how does ‘Compound Effect’ help your sexy new body?   Read on….

Have you ever heard of the penny story? 
If someone offered you a choice between a penny that doubles every day for 31 days or $3 million, which one would you choose?

Let’s say you take the $3 mil and your friend takes the penny. After 20 full days You’ve got the $3 million and your friend only has $5,243. Not much of a return. Hang on …come day 29 your friend has $2.7 million. Yep, day 31 the penny is now worth $10,737,418.24…compared to your $3 million.

This is a great example of Compound Effect- So what does this have to do with BEcodes and energy healing? Great question.

In the same way the penny doubles in value each day so does the effect of Source’s healing with your body-mind-spirit in BEcodes and Enhanced Grace. 

Let’s unpack this a bit? 

Let’s say your energy system is the penny before BEcodes. Now You purchase BEcode 1.0 and Source begins to scan your systems 24 hours a day 7 days a week? 

At first you don’t seem to notice any big changes...Source is working in some higher frequencies and you are not- yet. 

Just like the penny in our example, your mind-body -spirit up-level in frequencies.  You compound the effect of energy gifts from the 24/7 Source scan and healing. This creates the life enhancing Compound Effect of BEcodes and Enhanced Grace. 

Like the penny …some BEcoders at first may not be aware of the value of the 24/7 scan and healing. Often it can take 3 to 33 days or more before they become aware of the subtle compound effect of the healing help that is clearing lifetimes of chaos and gunk out of their systems. 

As they consistently receive the higher frequencies and their lives and relationships get lighter and easier and more bountiful the compound effect is impossible to miss. As one BEcoder exclaimed  “BEcodes fortify my life.” ~A.N.

Check out the BEcodes and Enhanced Grace here?

Experience the Payoff of the Compound Effect as Source and Tessa support you in experiencing the principle of reaping huge rewards from your BEcode and Enhanced Grace.

Oh yay- Sexy body is a wonderful intention . Go for it!

As Darren Hardy writes- 

“What’s most interesting about this Compound Effect process is that, even though the results are massive, the steps, in the moment, don’t feel significant.”

Lesson here> BEcodes and Enhanced Grace offer you and your precious body easy alternatives to reach your goals and your dreams without a lot of efforting on your part. Stay in the moment> be consistent with your intentions and goals and watch the process unfold.

Just sayin’!
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